MAMA XI 209 (Axylon) 
Funerary doorstone for Nana and Iodena
- Type of monument:
- Funerary doorstone.
- Location:
- Azak (Hodoğlu) (Axylon): not recorded.
- Description:
- Doorstone (Waelkens 1986: 4-5, Typ C), broken below. Single door with four plain rectangular panels. Lower panels blank; in the upper left-hand panel, door-knocker in relief, incised spindle, distaff and wool-basket; in the upper right-hand panel, key-plate in relief, incised wool-basket, spindle and distaff. Inscription above the upper panels. Plain pilasters to left and right with stylised captials; decorative moulding above the door. Above, vaulted pediment with two female figures in veil and stola in relief. Ivy-tendril decoration on the outer moulding of the pediment.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 1.65+; W. 0.68; Th. 0.55; letters 0.030-0.040.
- Record:
- WMC notebook copy; photograph (1954/73).
- Publication:
- Laminger-Pascher 1985: 274 no. 2: (SEG 35, 1443).
- Date:
- Roman imperial period.
Μενεκλῆς Νανᾳ
γυναικὶ καὶ Ιωδηνᾳ
μητρὶ μνήμης ἕνε-
Line 2: καὶ Ἰμμηνᾳ Laminger-Pascher 1985.
Menekles, for Nana his wife and Iodena (?) his mother, in memoriam.
For the common name Νανα, see Zgusta 1964: 346-7 §1013-1; MAMA XI 221 (1954/37: Yukarı Ali Çomak). For the name Ιωδηνα (?), see the commentary to MAMA XI 203 (1954/46: Çeşmelisebil). For the tendril decoration on the outer moulding of the pediment, see the commentary to MAMA XI 204 (1954/48). The doorstone type appears to be similar to that of Waelkens 1986: 250, Typ C Atlandı.