MAMA XI 344 (Savatra) 
Votive stele of Kalokairos to the god Men
- Type of monument:
- Votive stele.
- Location:
- Yağlıbayat (Savatra): in a house; said to have been found in the ruins of the kale.
- Description:
- Greyish-white tapered marble stele, with gabled pediment and three acroteria; in the pediment, a crescent moon. Slightly broken above.
- Dimensions:
- Ht. 0.38+; W. 0.19 (top), 0.22 (bottom); Th. 0.09; letters 0.012-0.018.
- Record:
- Line drawing; MB notebook copy; photograph (1956/200).
- Publication:
- None.
- Date:
- Second or third century AD.
The inscription is complete. Presumably the monument is a votive stele to the deity Men (note the crescent moon in the pediment); a very similar stele is depicted in relief on a funerary monument from Savatra (MAMA XI 346 [1956/203]). Several hundred votive stelai of this kind, with crescent moon either on the shaft or in the pediment, are known from the sanctuary of Men Askaenos at Antiocheia by Pisidia, some free-standing, others depicted in relief on the peribolos wall of the sanctuary: see Lane 1971-8: I 114-55, nos. 179-294; Lane 1971-8: IV, passim. For the cult of Men at Savatra, cf. the funerary curses in I.Konya 120 (MAMA VIII 234) and I.Konya 125 (MAMA VIII 234a); similar curses are found in three inscriptions from neighbouring Perta, MAMA VIII 234b (Zengicek/Koçyaka), MAMA XI 319 (1956/160: Küçük Boruk [Yenikuyu]), MAMA XI 320 (1956/176: Giymir).
For the name Kalokairos, cf. Robert, Hellenica IX, 64-6; OMS V, 228 n.8; in Lykaonia, Laminger-Pascher 1992: 72-3, no. 68 (Madenşehir).