
ref. name modern village description
MAMA XI 355Gene (Beşağıl) Votive inscription of Alexandros (Roman imperial period)
MAMA XI 356Gene (Beşağıl) Altar base with Apotactite or Encratite prayer (fourth century AD)
MAMA XI 357Gene (Beşağıl) Boundary stone of church property (probably sixth century AD)
MAMA XI 358Gene (Beşağıl) Funerary inscription of Auxanon, Dokimeian stone-mason (Roman imperial period)
MAMA XI 359Gene (Beşağıl) Funerary inscription set up by Sandas (Roman imperial period)
MAMA XI 360Gene (Beşağıl) Funerary inscription for a husband (Roman imperial period)
MAMA XI 361Gene (Beşağıl) Funerary stele of Kyria, Basilissa and Palladios (third or fourth century AD)
MAMA XI 362Gene (Beşağıl) Funerary inscription of a councillor (third or fourth century AD)
MAMA XI 363Gene (Beşağıl) Funerary stele set up by Aur. Tyrannos (third or fourth century AD)
MAMA XI 364Gene (Beşağıl) Bilingual inscription of uncertain type (uncertain date)